November, 2024
The Good News
I’ve been Dean of the South Shore for a couple of years now, and one thing
that I find is consistent, both in our Deanery and in others, is that people have
grown less and less willing to attend events with other churches. When I first
arrived in this diocese way back in 2009 (!), Deanery Assembly could bring in
easily 50 people. These days, we’re lucky to see 25, and there are several churches
who just don’t participate at all. Some of the responsibility for that lies with the
priests – if they don’t promote the Deanery as something important, folks won’t
show up. And some of it, of course, is time. We’re all so darned busy!
But some of it, too, is that we’ve grown quite parochial. We like our church
and our people, and although we pray for other parishes (and we just got prayed
for!), we’re not very likely to do anything with them. For example, I invite the
other parishes in the Deanery every year to VBS; nobody ever comes. I’d like to
see the South Shore Deanery do better. As churches grow smaller, we’re simply
going to have to learn to collaborate more. Are there projects that we can do
together? Opportunities for worship that we can attend together? Can we support
each other’s fund raisers, both by inviting and attending?
The Deanery has just begun a Middle School Youth Group that meets
roughly monthly; a couple of churches are involved in that, and it’s a terrific way
to start the process. I’m hopeful that we can find more opportunities to work,
worship and socialize together as a Deanery, rather than remaining friendly but
isolated. Open to suggestions!
Marion Dunn and Dan Crockett for serving at Joyce Joseph’s funeral, and to
Irene for heading up the collation
Kathy Crockett, for doing a LOT of work recently as we’ve had a steady
stream of services coming through the church. Thanks so much!
Everyone who donated on UNICEF Sunday
Penny and Andrew Arsenault, for a good game of Labyrinth, and the entire
Arsenault family for a truly hilarious game of Apples to Apples!
Meg Boros, for bringing in yummy snacks for Game Night
Ernie Olson, for faithfully being at the door when people come in EVERY
The weddings of Richie and Crystal Boyle, and Elizabeth and Alex
Keniston. Mazel Tov!
Everyone, for prayerfully considering your pledge this year, and for getting
those pledge cards in on Stewardship Sunday!
Hello, Trinity Parishioners and Supporters,
Stewardship Sunday is November 17, 2024. You should already have received a
letter and a commitment card.
Our theme this year is Walk in Love, and it calls us to remember that our greatest
gift in community is how we align, come together in purpose and mission. When
we walk in the same direction, we can do so many things.
During this season we talk a lot about money, about our budget. Yes, those things
are important, they are the way we fund the Church, but the real focus is on what
our gifts can do for our community and the world.
Please prayerfully consider how you will fill out your commitment card and make
your financial promises for the year 2025. Every gift matters, and every gift will be
accepted, brought to the altar, and blessed before God and our community.
Completed commitment cards may be mailed back to Trinity or placed in the
collection plate on Sunday, November 17th. See you in church!
Walking with you in Love,
Debbie Morse, Stewardship Chair
The Women's Group is sponsoring an Outreach Project with Rockland Holiday Magic. We are tasked with providing toiletries for stocking stuffers; things like toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, combs/brushes, nail polish, nail files, lip balm would be greatly appreciated. There is a Rockland Holiday Magic Box in the Narthex soon. All items need to be donated before Thanksgiving, so please keep this in mind next time you go to CVS or Rite Aid!
Your clergy and representatives will be gathering in Quincy on Saturday,
November 9th for our annual Diocesan Convention. Your delegates will be happy
to answer your questions and give a report following the event.
The Women's Group will not meet in November, but we will meet on Monday,
December 2nd for a Christmas Cookie Swap! Come enjoy fellowship, cookies, and
some planning!
Debbie Morse
Yes, that traditional offering of this parish to the Rockland Holiday Stroll is
coming up on Saturday, November 30th! We will once again focus on a display of
Nativity sets, as well as our home-made cookies and cider. We are also hoping to
have the Holy Family present in the parish hall during the event. We will NEED a
couple of people to assemble the “stable” on Saturday morning, as well as folks to
be greeters, cookie and cider distributors, and all-around helpers. We also need
home-baked cookies donated. Everyone can help out with this annual outreach
event! Please let Rev’d Sarah know how you’re planning to participate!
Our Holiday Craft Fair will take place on Saturday, December 7th. Speak to Pam Chester if you would like to help out, or if you or someone you know would like to rent a table for the event. Baked goods are also requested; all proceeds of the bake table go to Trinity. Always a good time with a raffle and beautiful crafts, for giving or keeping! This is a nice opportunity to support local artisans and pick up some truly unique gifts!
On Sunday, December 1st , our parish historian, Karen Bonn, will be making a brief
presentation about the history of our church at the request of the Abington
Historical Society, which will meet here beginning at 2PM. Everyone is
encouraged to attend – let’s show them a good turn out! There will likely be a carol
sing prior to the event, and the AHS will provide refreshments. Ask Rev’d Sarah
for more information and do plan to attend. And if you’ve got pictures of the
church or other memorabilia, please let us know!
The Healthy Congregations Task Force (HCTF) has partnered with Holy Cow!
Consulting to launch the Landscape Assessment which will provide valuable
information concerning how we are living into our mission and vision as a
diocesan community, where we shine, where we’d like to focus our energy, and
where we can, in collective ministry, find new ways to lift each other up.
The HCTF asks all clergy and lay people to fill out the assessment which is
available in English and Spanish. The assessment will take about 15 minutes to
complete and must be done at one time. All responses are sent directly to Holy
Cow! Consulting. Confidentiality is central to this work. Email the HCTF with any