March, 2025
The Good News
Daylight saving begins on Sunday, March 9th. Boooooo.
At this point, you’re all well aware of my perfectly reasonable strong
feelings about the scourge that is Daylight Saving. It’s so silly – it has already
begun to get light later, and it will continue to do so through June! We don’t need
to set the clocks forward to make that happen! Further, consider those people on
the western side of our time zone – they’ll be starting school and work literally in
the dark. Is that fair?
We humans are really intent on molding things to our liking. We’ve got this
idea that we can just bend nature to do our will. Sometimes, maybe, but for the
most part, we are very much passengers in this Creation, and although God granted
us stewardship over it, God certainly didn’t give us unlimited power to shape it as
we wish. That means that we are to care for God’s creation, this earth, but we
shouldn’t presume to own it or to have authority over it.
As we move into the season of Lent, perhaps that’s something we could
consider. What behavior might we change that would help protect and nurture “this
fragile earth, our island home”? Maybe stop buying water in plastic bottles? Create
a recycling bin at work? Switch to a laundry detergent that doesn’t come in a giant
plastic container? Use less water? What can you give up or take on this Lent that
will help to care for and heal the world?
At the very least, I’m going to crusade to end Daylight Saving. Hmph.
Everyone who participated in our prolonged “Soup Sunday” efforts.
Whether you made soup, bought soup, brought a can in for the food pantry,
or all of the above, you have my gratitude!
George’s friend, Brendan, for helping us out, and reaching something on a
high shelf for me!
Everyone who came out to support Robbie at the screening of his film. You
are really just the very best, and it meant so much to both of us! Special
thanks to Tom O’Neil, who unbidden, took up position as dishwasher and
saved me TONS of time and effort. Thank you so much, Tom!
Victoria Henderson, for inviting friends to church. Everyone should be so
Tina Arsenault, Carla Provost, Meg Boros, Peggy Ofuokwu and everyone
else who contributed to the Candy Wonderland – sweet!
NOT THANKFUL for Daylight Saving! At least it doesn’t fall on my
birthday this year. That one really hurt.
Ash Wednesday falls on Wednesday, March 5th. Trinity Church will offer the Ash Wednesday liturgy at 7PM on that day. All are strongly encouraged to come to church and begin the season of Lent rightly with the Imposition of Ashes and the prayers. Also, on Sunday, March 9th, the first Sunday in Lent, our service will begin with the Great Litany in procession. Please plan to attend!
On Mondays throughout the month of March (excepting the 10th), come to the Conference room at 7PM as we continue to wrestle with “The Hard Sayings of Jesus” – perfect for your Lenten reflections! This is a lively and engaged group, and we’ve got great snacks and warm drinks as well. Very much worth your time!
The Women's Group will meet in the Conference Room on Monday, March 31st at
7 pm to make new baptism banners – we’re fresh out! Women’s Group meets
monthly on the last Monday of the month, with a few exceptions. Dues are $1 a
month. Let's get together and have some fun!
Debbie Morse
Greetings, friends.
Our 9th annual Wine Tasting and Food Pairings event will be
held on Sunday, March 30, 2025 from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. As you may know, this is a
fabulous event, featuring delicious wine and carefully curated, made from scratch
food pairings. This year’s theme is “Tasting Notes.” We will be learning how to
decipher those beautifully written but mysterious wine labels and tasting notes. It
will be both enjoyable and educational. We will also have some new auction
items, as well as a silent auction and door prize raffle. Tickets are $40.00. We
prefer that tickets are purchased in advance, but you can always reserve your seat
at, or anyone of our wine tasting committee members (Karen
Bonn, Debra Morse, Ann Crockett, Kathy Crockett, Irene Bonn) and Rev. Sarah
Brockmann. We really need an accurate count to plan our food and wine amounts.
Can’t wait to see you all there.
Karen Bonn
Check out our informational flyer!
Paper devotionals are available in the Narthex and are a terrific way to focus your
prayer and reading time during Lent.
For a bit more fun, sign up for “Lent
Madness”, the “saintly smackdown” that pits saints against each other for the
Golden Halo. It might sound a bit sacrilegious, but it’s actually very informative!
Try this link:
Additionally, Episcopal Relief and Development offers a daily email reflection.
You can subscribe for free here:
Please consider subscribing to one or both and follow the Lent Madness Bracket in
the link to keep updated!
In partnership with Ministry Architects, the diocese is offering a series of
“Listening Sessions” in order to ascertain the vision of clergy and lay folks in the
diocese and determine a vision for our future. Use the link below if you’d like to
participate or learn more.